When your own needs are satisfied, you are happy. But who pays attention only to himself all day. Plenty take care of family with dedication and friendships. But what about your own care? Is there anything that would make me feel better about myself? Do I pay attention to the signals of my body and do I take care of myself enough?
It is important to find a balance in everyday life and to take care of (needy) relatives or friends, but not to forget yourself. If you ignore yourself, you will quickly notice how the energy disappears. Taking care of yourself gives you the strength to be there for others as well. Self-care is an essential part of a happy life.
Those who constantly have excuses not to take time for themselves should definitely question this. Sometimes you also feel that you are not good enough to take valuable time for yourself. Many things seem more important or essential. But in most cases, just a few minutes of time out will help to get back into balance. Even a longer break can be good. It is not important to do nothing, but to do what meets your own needs. This can be a hot bath or reading a good book. Sport is also a wonderful balance and a great way to do good for yourself.
But your needs can also be much more profound. Sometimes an hour is not enough for sports. Even the hot bath is not always the solution. Listen to yourself and ask yourself: What makes me happy? What do I need to be in my full strength?
This can mean letting go, changing things and fulfilling deep desires. The following suggestions and questions will help you to become completely yourself and your needs to explore and, above all, to fulfill.
Self-care is not so easy. Caring for others is often easier. After that, you have the feeling that you have made a difference or that you have been there for the other person. But when are we there for ourselves? Where do we get our daily strength from? Maybe after this post you will manage to take a few minutes to think about yourself.
Self-care is not selfish, but the path to happiness.