The current time demands all of us. That this phase would stretch over such a long period of time, probably very few people suspected. The everyday life of many people has changed. Some are trying to fight their way back to normalcy. But since 2019, everyone's life has taken a turn that cannot be easily reversed. And even if the pandemic is accompanied by many hurdles, setbacks, defeats and critical conflicts, we can succeed in highlighting the positive sides and finding happiness again. Since the beginning of the corona measures, the psychological pressure has increased for many and deceleration is now a foreign word.
With enough exercise and light, we bring the body to a good health level. Physical and persistent activity after a while passes into the so-called flow. The reason for this is the endocannabinoids in the brain. The body forms these cannabis-like substances itself. Dopamine is released, which has an enormous influence on the reward system of your own organism. Similar processes are provoked when children, as well as adults, read an exciting book or are completely immersed in an activity. Those who forget time and space hardly feel the external influences and adversities.
The following are some activities that help to start the day positively or to promote personal flow at any time:
All these things cause our brain to release happiness hormones. This positive flow can also be trained. Those who use a few of these opportunities every day will feel freer. The external adversities are not to be ignored and can not be concealed so easily. But these circumstances are difficult to change - in contrast to our physical well-being.
In addition, there is the physical distance to fellow human beings or even complete isolation. It was only in these times that many realized how important affection is. Hugs release hormones in the body that make you happy.
Finding a substitute for physical closeness is difficult - especially if you live alone. The body reacts much more to happiness hormones that have been produced by itself than to those that are supplied to the body.
Activities such as yoga, conscious cooking or outdoor sports produce these hormones. If you have a dog, you should walk more often than usual or play with the animal at home more often. Those who give joy to others will also feel joy themselves. The same applies even if you can not have personal contact. Small gestures, messages, phone calls or gifts are especially important during this time. It is important to make the exchange with family, friends or neighbors as strong as possible.
If you can also implement some points of the flow list for yourself, you are on the right track. No one should expect to be able to live the same life as before the pandemic. But anyone who starts to bring optimism and beauty back into their everyday life has at least tried it.
So start 2023 with something positive: what are you grateful for and what is currently enriching your life?